Helm fundamentals

Make application deployment easy, standardized and reusable.

Installing, upgrading, and maintaining simple to complex Kubernetes applications natively can be cumbersome and error-prone. With Helm from CNCF, you group Kubernetes objects together in logical releases and handle them as a singular instance. It helps make application deployment easy, standardized and reusable, improves developer productivity, reduces deployment complexity.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Install Helm charts on your cluster
  • Add repositories to access pre-built charts
  • Create charts for your own application
  • Manage the lifecycle of your helm release

Kubernetes and Docker applied knowledge. Applied knowledge of git clone, push, pull, and branch.

The training is conducted by an experienced consultant from Eficode, a Scandinavian consultancy specializing in Continuous Delivery & DevOps.

The training language and the study material will be in English.


Start06. nov 2024 17:00
Slut06. nov 2024 21:00


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