Fundamental Concepts in Programming

Gain essential skills in programming using Python, data structures, and basic algorithms, with a focus on applying these concepts in real-world data science scenarios. Gain hands-on experience in writing and executing code.
Python fundamental concepts in programming

Course-1 Fundamental Concepts in Programming

Presentation of basic concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures. And examples in a selected programming language i.e. Python. This is the first of 3-short courses designed to provide participants with a foundational understanding of programming concepts and their application in the field of data science.

Muniba Talha is a seasoned data scientist, educator, and Python enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the field. Muniba is full-time lecturer at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology where she teaches Data Science.

Online course on tuesday the 30th of January at 17:00-20.000
Price: 2.525 DKK (free admission for PROSA members)

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