Video Game Development - Intermediate

Free course specifically designed for neurodivergent learners. FOLLOW THE LINK FOR EXTERNAL SIGNUP.

This course is a continuation of our introduction class, perfect for neurodivergent adults who have some experience working with the Unity game engine.
It takes a project-based approach and is structured similar to game jams.
It is designed and taught by a video game industry professional with over 20 years of experience in the field and more than 6 years of creating volunteer game education programs.

  • Learn hands-on skills
  • Build a professional portfolio
  • Connect with top game studios and educators

The course is exclusively taught in English

Weekly on Thursdays starting March 27th, 2025.

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Bliv medlem af PROSA

Som medlem af PROSA får du en lang række fordele, som bl.a.

  • Gratis kurser
  • Juridisk rådgivning
  • Faglige netværk
  • Gode bankaftaler og forsikringer

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