PROSA ØST Supports Striking IT Workers in Georgia

ArbejdsmiljøIT FagforeningMirza Cirkinagic
We are donating DKK 5,000 to support the bravery of the striking workers at Evolution. We applaud your courage in standing up for fair working conditions and reasonable pay.
Mirza Cirkanagic

The IT sector, more than ever, operates within a globalized value chain where tasks are decentralized and distributed across borders. Despite your contribution to Evolution Games' billions in profits, you are subjected to inadequate pay, managerial harassment, and unsafe – even unsanitary – working conditions. This situation is completely unacceptable.

"We recognize the immense pressure you are under during this conflict, and we commend your resolve to fight for what is just. Your actions are a powerful reminder that workers, united, have the strength to demand change and hold companies accountable for their treatment of employees," says Mirza Cirkinagic, Union Secretary at PROSA.

“As part of a large and Swedish-owned company, Evolution Georgia should respect basic standards for fair working conditions, reasonable pay and constructive dialogue. So of course we support the striking workers and their just collective action”, says Mirza Cirkinagic.

> Read the statement from the Danish Trade Union for IT Professionals

Prosa supports striking it workers at Evolution

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